Our support to enhance the local territory

Quality is the sum of lots of small actions connected by a serious commitment to the local territory, with a willingness to give back and not just take, and to promote healthy partnerships that make us proud of our work.

Preserving the local supply chain

For us, it is essential to preserve the value and potential of our local territory. We are passionately dedicated to promoting local supply chains.
We have maintained a solid network of long-standing suppliers who are committed to efficient, innovative and sustainable practices.

This is a figure we are immensely proud of: 92% of our suppliers are Italian, and of these, 35% are local suppliers located in the Veneto region.

Social initiatives

We’ve always actively contributed to the well-being of the community through a structured process that starts by listening to the needs of the community in order to develop long-term projects in cooperation with local organisations.

We forge value partnerships to ensure success: we’ve supported more than 10 associations, organisations and charities with donations and product donations.

Commitment to the most vulnerable among us

Our support of the most vulnerable among us is expressed in a wide-ranging programme of community engagement and support actions, aimed at creating shared value and making a positive impact in the Veneto region and in the rest of the country.

From sharing our products in order to help local communities by donating and redistributing food surpluses to providing financial support to charities.

For children and the elderly

We believe that children and grandparents are vital for preserving the sense of tradition and family that has brought our company thus far and we organise a variety of initiatives to help bring them well-being and happiness.

We support various activities for children and we organise visits for them at our plants. We also help elderly people by supporting associations dedicated to them.


We have always promoted research and we have been keen supporters of the Italian Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation for years. Our contribution to the Foundation is to help spread awareness of this genetic disease and finance research projects that can really make the difference.


We are long-term donors of surplus food products to the Amici della Solidarietà voluntary association which helps the neediest local communities. Our commitment aims to prevent waste and donate excess quantities of our cheeses so that they can be passed on to support communities in our region.


The various projects and community organisations we support also include the LILT Italian Cancer Prevention Society, aiming to help prevent breast cancer. The Society provides primary, secondary and tertiary care, and organises events and campaigns annually to promote its activity and raise funds for research.


We have been supporting I Bambini delle Fate for years. It’s a community enterprise that sets up projects for kids with disabilities, creating structured inclusion programmes and providing assistance for families. Our support is specifically directed towards the range of needs of young people in the Ca’ Leido community, a psychoeducational project dedicated to adolescents on the autistic spectrum.


We support the community initiatives of the Auser Nazionale voluntary association which encourages active ageing in the elderly and promotes their role in society. For National Grandparents’ Day, over the years we have organised numerous charity initiatives to support Auser, make a real contribution to the association’s activities and bring grandchildren and grandparents even closer together.

Goodness in every deed

We have always been committed to building a sustainable development path with concrete and tangible actions

Quality and transparency

We are dedicated to offering healthy, affordable food with carefully chosen recipes and clear product information.

Our ways to ensure maximum transparency

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Our commitment to the environment

We promote practices and actions to reduce our environmental impact, investing in energy efficient solutions.

Our projects for the environment

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Empowerment of people

We protect the health and safety of our workers, promoting diversity and inclusion and offering training and career development paths.

Our choices for working in harmony

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