• Appetizers
  • EASY
  • 15 min

Baguettes with spinach, anchovies and Nonno Nanni Stracciatella

Ingredients for 2 persons

125 g Nonno Nanni Stracciatella 

2 white bread baguettes   

100 g spinach 

50 g anchovies  

extra virgin olive oil  

salt and pepper 

Nonno Nanni Stracciatella is here. Fresh goodness, 100% Italian, extra-creamy and tasty.


Blanch the spinach in plenty of salted water. When it is cooked, sauté in a frying pan with a little oil, salt and pepper. Cut the baguettes in half, drizzle with a little oil and warm on a griddle. Spread the spinach on the bread, add the Nonno Nanni Stracciatella and garnish with anchovies as preferred. 



Nonno Nanni Stracciatella is here. Fresh goodness, 100% Italian, extra-creamy and tasty.