- Appetizers
- 15 min
- Array
Cherry tomatoes with Nonno Nanni Caprino di latte vaccino
Ingredients for 4 persons
12 small and round cherry tomatoes
2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese
160 g of Nonno Nanni Caprino di latte vaccino
2 tablespoons of cream
some lettuce
Salt and pepper
Nonno Nanni Cow's Milk Caprino is the perfect cheese for those who love an intense, characteristic flavour
Cut tomatoes in half and dig them while taking out some pulp. Then arrange them on dishes with a lettuce leaf underneath. Mix Nonno Nanni Caprino di latte vaccino together with parmesan cheese, cream, salt and pepper until obtaining a cream, and then with a notched nozzle pastry bag, put a little bit of stuffing on each half tomato and serve.