• First courses
  • 75 min

Lasagne with artichokes and Nonno Nanni Stracchino

Ingredients for 4 persons

320g of lasagne

5 artichokes

2 packs of Nonno Nanni Stracchino

500g of béchamel sauce

One clove of garlic

4 spoons of oil

A sprig of parsley


Half a lemon

A few knobs of butter

Nonno Nanni Stracchino is a fresh, soft cheese with a unique flavour


Clean the artichokes removing all the coarse, external leaves and tips. Quarter them and place in a full bowl of water and lemon to prevent them discolouring. Fry the clove of garlic in the pan for a few seconds, add the artichokes, cover and cook for about 15 minutes. Add the chopped parsley and a glass of water and continue cooking for another 15 minutes.

When the water has completely evaporated and the artichokes are soft, remove the lid, salt them and leave to cook for another 5 minutes.

Butter a tray and place the first lasagne sheet on it. Create layers by alternating the béchamel sauce, roughly chopped artichokes and stracchino.

Carry on until all the ingredients have been used up, then top the lasagne with a layer of béchamel sauce and stracchino.

Bake in the oven at 200°C for around 30 minutes; leave to stand before serving.



Nonno Nanni Stracchino is a fresh, soft cheese with a unique flavour